
Showing posts from December, 2016

iOS keyboard contains secret

Apple keyboard is having some secret. There are some feature that you can use in the application available for the more efficiency apple's of the  keyboard there are some of the lack behind's of the apple's keyboard. iOs  available keyboard perform some of the basic function that not really match the efficiency of the product of the  Apple. In this case application like Reboard  can help out to increase the efficiency of the iOs devices that will be very helpful in the working of the iOS devices.   REBOARD HOW IT'S WORK? It's working is like the normal keyborad but having some of the special feature . It facilitate you shortcut of the third party application that will be really helpful.In this keyboard on the top-left there is the command button which facilitate the shortcut of the calculator,calendar,image search,translate,reminder,unit convertor, local music search allows these type of the application to access on the keyboard...

Make Your iPhone more efficient

How  To  Make your  iPhone  Working   More  EFFICIENT ? iPhone thereby comes with the latest feature related to the new generation of the technology. iPhone like 5, 5c, 5s ,6 are having the problem which is related to its working iOS is the different operating system from the Android as the android users have the problem with the operation of the iPhone. There are the some problems with the function of the iPhone as according to it cost as the android users seems it difficult to use because the android provide the application facilities which help them to overcome all the basic features as the problem are:- 1> Problem of the Video Conversion .                                        2> Problem of the Battery Life. THERE are some problem's that you can overcome by following the information available here:- 1> Problem of the V...


HOW   TO   ENABLE   MESSAGE   SERVICE   IN    JIO? Generally there is the problem related to the message service of the RELIANCE JIO because that is the reason the operator ask you to download all the application related to the JIO SIM. AS there is the problem of the message services you can get the message service enable.AS there is the problem related to the message service as if there is no application related to the message service.  Download the application Jio4Gvoice You can download the application from play store as the link is setup the link in the name of the application . When you will download the application then your message service related to the RELIANCE JIO will start its setup then you will be able to get message s from the JIO. YOU ALSO GETS THE FEATURE OF THE CALLING AND CONTACTS DOCUMENT's  THAT WAS THE BLOG TO THE NEW TECHNOLOGY RELATED TO THE JIO

Convert Your Mobile IN FEATURED PHONE

HOW  TO  CONVERT  YOUR  MOBILE INTO  FEATURE   PHONE That is not compulsory that every smart phone have the same features .Every premium phone have the features that your smart may not have so not to worry you can modify your phone by using the correct application and accessories. T here some easy ways by using them you can convert your mobile in featured PHONE .                                                      T here are some features available in our surroundings so you can  modified/cutomized for your phone there are some small things that can help you in the modification of the phone so you can increase the standard of your home and can also convert your home into smart home.   1 ADD ON FLASH Smart phone have the LED flash inbuilt but they do not have the  the quality of the...

Latest Technology of New generation MOBILE

GOOGLE  PIXEL XL Google pixel is the new technology introduced by the Google in the trending world of the mobile phones its a really a big approach by the Google to release the mobile phone it was just planned by the Google to have the boom in the market so the festive season may get its way to the new generation of the smart phones. WHAT's special about the mobile? IT's not to explain more about the google pixel everybody knows about the google pixel it has Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 Processors and thats not the only feature of the pixel its just 1 of the features from the bunch of it quality to the way of  personal branding speciality as follows:- IT'S ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGY Its not only just an assistant its a working partner for you that helps you to work out further in the new changing generation .IT's the technology that wants to change how you use your smartphones. ITs an more than the assistant and like the friend to assist you  -YOU CAN MAKE CALLS...

Technical Illusion

Technical Illusion And Technological Facts Today there are some things which  are not know to us due to the  aura of our surroundings towards the technology. These things are such a bit contaminating facts that no one have the real focus on it then of the knowing about the more big things. These things are such a little bit of the contaminant to be the soul attractive or to be taken care of . There are many type of the Illusion which we are following from the several couple of the years and not able to know the truth about that. 1. ONLINE   ILLUSION This illusion is the type of visual illusions which is the psychological in nature and that we generally think that working on the INCOGNITO WINDOWS which is the type of the tool which is used by us with the thought of the security access. The thought about that is that if we work or access on this windows online the we are secure and disappeared from thi...

Virtual Reality ?

VIRTUAL       REALITY WHAT IS VIRTUAL REALITY? Virtual reality is the use of the   computer  technology for the  purpose to create stimulated  environment around the user  so its seems to be real but  not actually. It is the technology  created to make the user come  to an abstraction so its the while  technology that makes you feel the  reality virtually,as from the  above words it's clear.     What it is to be used? Answer>It is used in the various field of the  technology as it is the reality which is virtual that is next to illusion you know what the illusion is  1> V R BOX It is used in the latest technology of the V R box  that is the mobile technology  which is  latest in the  use, it is also known as Gear Box. You  are also in knowledgeable about the gear box  that is the box type te...