Make Your iPhone more efficient

How  To  Make your  iPhone Working  More  EFFICIENT ?

iPhone thereby comes with the latest feature related to the new generation of the technology. iPhone like 5, 5c, 5s ,6 are having the problem which is related to its working iOS is the different operating system from the Android as the android users have the problem with the operation of the iPhone.

There are the some problems with the function of the iPhone as according to it cost as the android users seems it difficult to use because the android provide the application facilities which help them to overcome all the basic features as the problem are:-

1> Problem of the Video Conversion .                                       
2> Problem of the Battery Life.

THERE are some problem's that you can overcome by following the information available here:-

1> Problem of the Video Conversion

Apple does may have the problem with the video conversion iOS supports only the MP4 video playback. That is why you have to convert your video into mp4 and then transfer it with the help iTUNE. Now a days there are many facility of the free application for the video playback with the help of those application you can run video that are not mp4. APPLICATION  

2> Problem of the Battery Life.

Instead that the user's of the latest iPhone don't have the problem with the Battery life but the users of the previous released series of the iPhone have the facing problem of the battery life there are some easy settings that can help you out.
>Just turn off the auto Brightness of the device then set the screen brightness on 40%-50%.
>Just close the background application by using the task manager every our.
>just switch off the access  of the location using application these type of app's can work without the GPS location as this will be switch of then there will be the more chance of the high time battery life.

