Convert Your Mobile IN FEATURED PHONE


modifyThat is not compulsory that every smart phone have the same features .Every premium phone have the features that your smart may not have so not to worry you can modify your phone by using the correct application and accessories.

There some easy ways by using them you can convert your mobile in featured PHONE .                                                      There are some features available in our surroundings so you can 
modified/cutomized for your phone there are some small things that can help you in the modification of the phone so you can increase the standard of your home and can also convert your home into smart home.



Smart phone have the LED flash inbuilt but they do not have the 
the quality of the XENON FLASH they cannot compete the this type of the featured flash you can just add the XENON FLASH in your phone as the Manufacturing company does not inbuilt this flash because they uses the more power .YOU can use this xenon flash in YOUR phone if it is supportable then connect it with the MICRO  USB  PORT.


In this world of the technology you can also have the feature of the wireless charging As now a days there are some model in the technical world that it can charge itself with the help of the wireless charging .AS with the help of the QI STANDARD you can have the feature of the WIRELESS charging. as some have the inbuilt feature of the wireless charging but it can also be in your phone just get the supportable QI device So you can get free of the problem of the finding the charging points.


There is always the problem of the less volume in some mobile you can have the feature that is the application .Some of the companies inbuilt the feature of the DAISY CHAIN to use the other device as the music amplifier source.You can have the feature by downloading the application  this application help you in the connecting the device and play the same music in the connected devices by using the HOST 


infrared app in the mobile
IR or INFRARED DEVICE is the now a days most prominent feature available in the smart phones so you can control your any APPLIANCE by using the your phone JUST bring this infrared device and connect this with your phone so you can control any appliances at home like A/C ,T/V,etc.
infrared device
Just bring the 3.5 mm IR BLASTER or any other blaster IR device which can connect with the Bluetooth/WI-FI.or another way bring the ORVIBO this connect with the WI-FI this above devices can be used with the dedicated application



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