Virtual Reality ?



Virtual reality is the use of the 
computer technology for the 
purpose to create stimulated 
environment around the user 
so its seems to be real but 
not actually. It is the technology
 created to make the user come 
to an abstraction so its the while 
technology that makes you feel the 
reality virtually,as from the
 above words it's clear.    

What it is to be used?

Answer>It is used in the various field of the  technology as it is the reality which is virtual that is next to illusion you know what the illusion is 
It is used in the latest technology of the V R box 
that is the mobile technology  which is latest in the 
use, it is also known as Gear Box. You 
are also in knowledgeable about the gear box 
that is the box type technology used
 for the the making the visual of the 
mobile more interesting with the large
 amount of fun. 
The V R box contains 
of the lens make of the glass with the
 special connectivity to the referred 
device so you can enjoy the feeling 
of the things come real and also the 
connectivity of the headset for the sound.


       In the field of the gaming the
 virtual reality has now a days 
become very popular which to the 
extent of the further step to the 

 One can feel that he 
or she is in the game which he/she is playing
 of the particular period of the time .
Virtual game consist of the visual device which is 
used to play games so the game consider to
 be the real one that can become more
 enjoyable another further device are 
required for the purposeful enjoyment 
in the game so don't get deep into it .............   

3 It is also used in the application YES mobile application you are not knowing that you are using the virtual reality that is from the last of 1984 . Virtual Reality Technology (V R T) gets its birth in the 1984 approximately.IT is used in the mobile application such as 

A> Virtual DJ also common in the computer.

B> Virtual Clock

c> Most common application use is torch it just look like it work like it but not r the real one in the hand 

4.                       It is used in the field of the videos 
and the movies that is the original place
 in which the virtual reality have its position 
after the application of the mobile.

 You all know about the 7D movies & 5D 
movies every one has seen the type of
 the movies in the life if not then go
 and you will know what is VIRTUAL REALITY.


